
Other words for not accept
Other words for not accept

other words for not accept

By continuing to access and use our Services after these Terms have been modified, You are agreeing to such modifications. The "Last Updated" date at the top of these Terms will indicate when the latest modifications were made. We reserve the right to change, modify, add, or delete clauses in these Terms at any time, in accordance with the procedures described below in Section 12. If You do not agree with these Terms, please do not continue to use our Services. As a User, your use of any or all of our Services indicates your acceptance of these Terms and your agreement to comply with them fully. All such guidelines or policies are incorporated by reference into these Terms and consequently any disputes related to such will be subject to the limitations on liability, dispute resolution, and arbitration provisions contained in these Terms. In addition, when using particular Service(s), You shall be subject to any posted guidelines or policies and/or other terms ", including without limitation the terms of sale (“ Terms of Sale”), the End User License Agreement (“ EULA”) and other "game rules" applicable to such Service(s). Please note that UBISOFT's Privacy Policy ( /privacypolicy) is an integral part of these Terms and is integrated into them by reference.

other words for not accept

The Terms govern your use of our games, downloadable content, season passes, game software (contained on disc, downloaded, or streamed), other software products, and online and mobile services including their online functions and other features, any updates/upgrades thereto, any related websites, UBISOFT platforms (including without limitation Uplay) and the UPLAY+ subscription service, and the servers, software and framework through which all the foregoing are provided to You (collectively, our "Services"). Please read these Terms carefully as they set out the basis for which We make our Services (as defined below) available to You. and any one of its parent, subsidiary or affiliated companies, including without limitation Ubisoft Entertainment SA (" UBISOFT" or “ We”) and each user (" You" or " User"). These Terms of Use (the "Terms") sets forth the agreement between Ubisoft Inc. WHAT ARE THE UBISOFT SERVICES AND HOW CAN I USE THEM ? WELCOME TO THE UBISOFT WORLDS! PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF USE CAREFULLYġ.

Other words for not accept